
Seberkas Keinginan Penuh Harapan

Posted by navy_emo

Senin, 03 September 2012

            Aku hanyalah seorang pria yang hidup dengan penuh kebahagiaan meski tanpa berbagai aspek yang dapat menyatakan bahwa kehidupanku sempurna. Aku bangun di pagi hari walau terkadang juga bangun saat sang matahari tepat di atas ubun ubun. kunikmati setiap detik dikala aku membuka mata dari indahnya mimpi semalam. Kuberdiam diri menunggu seluruh ragaku terbangun seutuhnya sambil mengingat ingat mimpi apa ya aku semalam. Karena rumah ku bertingkat dan aku juga berkamar di lantai 2 maka dengan penuh harapan aku keluar kamar untuk turun dan menyambut keluarga tercinta.
           Sesampainya dibawah aku biasanya langsung menenggak segelas air putih dan rasanya itu sangat segar sekali namun tidak demikian saat berpuasa ya. Keluargaku sangat menyayangiku Alhamdulilah sekali karena sampai detik ini dan sampai kapan pun keluarga adalah bagian terpenting dalam hidupku. Meski banyak sekali kejadian di saat kelam namun aku selalu berharap semoga hanya kebahagiaan yang menyelimuti keluargaku. Kini hampir 22 tahun aku hidup di dunia dan banyak sekali harapan yang aku sematkan di setiap doaku. Setiap harapan mengandung unsur yang berbeda beda dimana setiap satu pengharapan akan terbagi menjadi banyak permintaan yah namanya juga manusia.
           Aku selalu berharap untuk selalu hidup bahagia dan ingin sekali memberikan yang terbaik untuk keluarga maupun teman temanku. Ngomongin harapan ga akan lepas dari yang namanya Keinginan dimana banyak yang berharap semoga keinginanya terkabulkan oleh Allah SWT. Dan tidak sedikit pula orang menginginkan agar harapannya terpenuhi. Yah berarti dapat disimpulkan bahwa Harapan = Keinginan namun derajat dari harapan lebih tinggi ketimbang keinginan. Semoga saja di setiap keinginan selalu ada harapan. . .

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Semangat Untuk Sidang Sarjana

Posted by navy_emo

Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

          Ga terasa kuliah udah 4 tahun dan ga terasa juga udah bersiap menghadapi sidang sarjana. Siap ga siap semua harus dijalani demi menggapai masa depan. . .hehhe Insya Allah lewat jalur Komprehensif semoga saja dapat lulus dengan baik. Ngomong - ngomong soal komprehensif ane mendaftarkan paket 3 untuk sidang, dimana paket 3 itu terdiri dari 3 mata kuliah yaitu Jaringan Komputer, Mikroprosesor dan Robotika.
          Materi dari peket 3 ini memang bisa dibilang susah susah gampang karena Jaringan Komputer ane sedikit menguasai dan robotika masih fresh saat kuliah semester 8 kemarin, namun untuk urusan Mikroprosesor masih harus bekerja keras ni karena materinya sangat sulit dan sudah lama banget mendapatkan materi ini saat kuliah di beberapa semester yang lalu.
         Mudah mudahan saja paket yang saya pilih memang sesuai dengan kapasitas kemampuan dan semoga saja tidak menjadi bumerang buat ane. Harus berfikir positif dan mulai detik ini belajar dengan tekun. Semangat buat teman teman semua yang akan menjalani sidang sarjana mari saling mendoakan ya agar kita semua dapat lulus sesuai harapan. Sekali lagi SEMANGAT. . !!!

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Adjective or Relative Clause

Posted by navy_emo

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Adjective Clauses
Adjective clauses (or relative clauses) are a type of subordinate clause that act as adjectives. The whole clause does the job of an adjective. I'll show you what I mean with some examples below.

Quick Refresher: Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. Clauses are groups of words with a subject and a verb, and subordinate clauses cannot stand alone.


Mr. Clean, who hates rock music, smashed my electric guitar.
Mr. Clean smashed my electric guitar, which had been a gift from Vera.
Mr. Clean smashed the electric guitar that Vera had given me.This clause is an adjective clause. It is a group of words with a subject and a verb, and it is acting as one part of speech - an adjective.

Now the adjective clause is just the words I love, but the word that is implied. It's as if the sentence says:

The instrument (that) I love is the piano.

Whenever words are implied in a sentence, it is called an elliptical.

The technical name for a missing relative pronoun is an elliptical relative pronoun.

If you want to diagram the sentence, diagram the implied relative pronoun in parenthesis.

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Short Love Story "Strange But True"

Posted by navy_emo

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

         One day a girl was very upset with her life. She was so depressed that she decided to take her life. On deciding so, she thought to jump down the bridge into the sea. Just when she was about to jump, someone pulled her back. In the darkness of the silent night also she could see his fair face. His deep eyes had a strange spark, which was hard to miss even in the dark. He held her arm and pulled her away from the bridge.

         Pulling her to the street he showed her people who had no place to live, no food to eat and yet was surviving in the hard way. She realized her mistake and asked sorry. But he just left. Next morning she visited the bridge to find the man who had saved her from committing a blunder. He was nowhere to be found. After repeated visits during the day, she decided to visit the place at the night. That night she found him sitting on the bench near the street lamp at the bridge. On seeing her, he said that he knew she had been searching for him.
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Healty Article : One in Ten Adults Will Have Diabetes

Posted by navy_emo

One in Ten Adults Will Have Diabetes The International Diabetes Federation predicted one in 10 adults could have diabetes by 2030. The World Health Organization said deaths from diabetes will double by 2030. In explaining concerns over such predictions, a representative of the World Health Organization said most cases of diabetes are Type 2, mainly hit people in middle age, and are linked to weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle. This suggests we can prevent or control diabetes through healthy aging, weight loss, and more activity.

The key to healthy aging is a healthy lifestyle. Although a healthy lifestyle includes eating healthy foods and practicing portion control, we must look at all aspects of the physical and mental body. For physical health, consider the eyes, joints, digestive tract, and heart. For mental health examine stress management. Considering the whole body makes possible a body younger than you look.

Weight loss, in the medical sense, means a reduction in total body mass. People select a weight-loss program to improve health, fitness, or appearance. If you view weight as number on a scale, you can achieve a reduction through a loss of fluid, body fat, muscle, or a variety of tissues. I have been successful with many diets, yet none created a long-lasting lifestyle change. I lose the weight and then return to previous eating habits. A better approach is to determine your ideal weight and institute nutritional eating habits that permit you to consistently lose one to four pounds per month. Once you reach the weight goal, continue nutritional eating habits with slight changes in quantities and types of foods.

Sedentary lifestyle is characterized by an excess amount of sitting at work or home. My generation used the term "couch potato".. We must get out of your chairs, off the couches, or whatever we sit on for long periods of time, and move around. Below are seven suggestions I found helpful: As you consider them, let your creativity run wild for other things you can do.

  • Get up and move every hour, include standing, stretching, and walking around.
  • Use a headset and walk around during telephone conversations.
  • Take a walk during your lunch hour, outdoors, if possible.
  • Deliver important messages in person rather than sending emails.
  • Take the stairs instead of an elevator.
  • Walk or ride a bike to work. If you drive, park your car at the farthest end of the parking lot.
  • If you just have to watch TV, get up and walk around during the ads, and do some simple exercises.
Living the changes as the months turn to years can make a major difference in a healthy lifestyle. Start your changes today.
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Campus Qu
